Pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, is a dangerous disease that significantly worsens the quality of life of people. And an important component of the correct treatment of this unpleasant disease is considered proper nutrition, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organ. What should be the diet for pancreatitis - read in our material.

Do not self-medicate! In our articles we collect the latest scientific data and opinions of authoritative experts in the field of health. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment. We want to help those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas. are facing (by the way, among office workers and former students, pancreatitis ranks third "in popularity") and therefore we have collected in this article basic recommendations on diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis. We have included sample menus and severalAlso prepared useful recipes. Read it, it will be useful!
what is pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which takes part in the digestion process and also regulates metabolism. It is a "2 in 1" organ, it has a complex structure: the larger part of the gland secretes the enzymes necessary to digest food in the intestine. secretes insulin, and the so-called "pancreatic islets" an endocrine organ that produces the hormone insulin.
When the pancreas becomes inflamed, enzymes stop being released into the duodenum. As a result, these aggressive substances become active in the gland itself and begin to destroy it - a process often called autodigestionThis releases toxins that travel through the bloodstream to other organs and can damage them. Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic.
acute inflammation of pancreas
Acute pancreatitis is a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment, usually in a hospital. Most often it is caused by alcohol abuse or gallstone disease, when the stones block the duct. This disease is characterized by pain in the upper part of the stomach. There is severe pain in the side, which sometimes extends to the back; nausea; Vomit; General deterioration of condition.
chronic pancreatitis
With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, the organ is gradually destroyed. The main causes of this disease are alcohol consumption and smoking. The most typical manifestation is abdominal pain, which usually occurs after eating. Lack of digestive secretions from the pancreasDue to this, food is poorly digested, flatulence and swelling occur. Often there is loss of appetite and weight may also decrease.
Symptoms of Pancreatitis
The main symptom of both acute and chronic inflammation of the pancreas is pain in the upper abdomen. Often such pains are girdling. In the chronic form, heaviness in the stomach, nausea and stool disorders are often observed. Unpleasant sensations make one suspect pancreatitis. The diagnosis is then confirmed with the help of tests and other studies.
Why do you need a diet for pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)?
Diet for pancreatitis in adults is designed to reduce the load on the affected organ so that it can recover. In acute pancreatitis, it is also important to reduce the synthesis of enzymes to stop the process of destruction of the gland.

Principles of diet for pancreatitis
- Refusal from any foods that provoke the production of enzymes – smoked, spicy, pickled, fried.
- Food should be warm (not cold or hot), rich.
- Food should be fractional, portions should be small.
- The main emphasis in the diet is on protein products - up to 200 grams of them should be consumed per day. But fats and carbohydrates are significantly limited.
- The amount of salt is reduced to 3-5 grams; salt is not added to the food during cooking.
- Raw foods are excluded. Fresh vegetables and fruits cannot be consumed, only boiled or baked vegetables can be consumed.
- Carbohydrates are consumed in moderation, but intake of sugar-rich foods should be limited.
What should be the diet for acute pancreatitis?
The diet for acute pancreatitis is as strict as possible: the menu for the first day does not include food at all, only water. After a few days, you can eat small portions of liquid food - vegetable broths and purees, boiled porridge, Mucous decoctions, liquid meat purees. You can gradually expand the range of recipes using permitted products.
Diet for chronic pancreatitis
The diet menu for chronic pancreatitis is more diverse, but it is recommended to adhere to it for a longer period of time, at least six months. It is believed that during this time not only the condition of the pancreas will improve, but the patient willWill also distance oneself from harmful foods, such as fried, smoked and spicy foods.
Traditionally, for chronic pancreatitis, the "Table No. 5P" diet is prescribed. The diet table system was developed in the 1920s, and although it has now been abandoned, many doctors still adhere to the principles of such a diet. Recommend to follow.
The "Table No. 5" diet is prescribed for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, but specifically for the restoration of the pancreas, a special version of this diet is recommended - "Table No. 5P". This is achieved not only by the low amount of fat in the diet, Rather, it is also recognized by limiting carbohydrates. You need to consume a lot of proteins: proteins are essential for the rapid restoration of pancreas tissues.
The diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis is more strict, it is formed in the image and likeness of the diet recommended for the acute form of the disease. Avoidance of mashed foods, divided meals, salt and spices will help you cope with the disease faster.
What you can eat if you have pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)

So, now it's time to find out what you can eat in the diet for pancreatitis in order to quickly recover and avoid painful attacks. Let us remind you that the list of permitted products depends on the stage of the disease. Varies. During an exacerbation, it is advisable to fast and eat a very limited amount of foods, but during periods of remission many more foods are allowed. Low-fat cottage cheese should be included in the diet of people with pancreatitis. Holds an important place.
- Lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit and even lean pork are suitable);
- Lean fish (pike, pollock, flounder, cod);
- Low-fat cheese, low-fat and mild cheese;
- Eggs in the form of a boiled omelet made from whites (you can eat no more than one yolk per day);
- low-fat fermented milk products;
- Milk – only low fat, if tolerated;
- Cereals (semolina, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat);
- stale bread, inedible crackers;
- Pasta;
- Boiled or baked vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin);
- Steamed or baked sweet fruits (apples, bananas, pears);
- dry fruits;
- Jelly, marmalade, honey, jelly – in small quantities.
The list of what you can eat in the diet for pancreatitis is not so small: if you wish, you can easily do without violations for a long time, being content with only permitted foods. It is worth considering that the recommendationsThey were developed over 100 years ago, and many new products have appeared since then. If they contain a lot of protein and little fat, such as boiled squid, they can be added to the menu with caution.
What should not be eaten in the diet for pancreatitis?
The diet for pancreatitis prescribes serious restrictions on the menu, but improvement in the condition can be expected only if you strictly follow them. Diet menu number 5 for pancreatitis cannot include the following foods:
- Legumes (the only exception are moderate amounts of green beans, boiled or stewed);
- Onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, peppers and other vegetables with spicy taste;
- Spinach, sorrel, fresh herbs;
- All types of cabbage;
- mushroom;
- citrus fruits;
- Marinades and pickles;
- Carbonated drinks, packaged juices (it is also better not to drink fresh juices);
- Liquor;
- Coffee and cocoa;
- ready-made sauce, mayonnaise;
- fast food;
- Fresh bread, baked goods;
- any confectionery product;
- ice cream;
- fatty meat and fish;
- Sausages and dishes;
- caviar;
- canned food;
- smoked meat;
- Meat, fish, mushroom broth.
As pancreatitis of the pancreas progresses, the diet becomes even stricter, and even those foods that can be safely included in the diet during remission can be included in the list of prohibited foods. Here you need to listen to your doctor's recommendations.
Diet for chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas): sample menu for a week

We present an approximate diet for chronic pancreatitis for a week. This is not a dogma, but a guideline for those who want to restore the pancreas with proper nutrition.
- Breakfast: A sandwich made of day-old bread with low-fat cheese, a bowl of oatmeal with water or diluted milk.
- Second breakfast: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed beef cutlets with mashed potatoes on water with a small piece of butter.
- Afternoon snack: Baked apple.
- Dinner: Boiled low-fat fish, boiled vegetables allowed.
- Breakfast: Oatmeal with water
- Second breakfast: baked sweet apple puree
- Lunch: Vegetable cream soup, steamed chicken breast; Berry Jelly.
- Afternoon snack: Low fat curd.
- Dinner: Steam omelette with vegetables.
- Breakfast: Cottage Cheese Casserole with Dry Fruits
- Second breakfast: Banana
- Lunch: Rice and vegetable soup; Boiled rabbit meatballs, compote.
- Afternoon snack: apple jelly, biscuits.
- Dinner: Boiled fish, vegetable puree.
- Breakfast: Rice porridge, soft boiled egg.
- Second breakfast: Curd, ripe apple.
- Lunch: Soup with pasta; Fish meatballs with vegetable puree.
- Afternoon snack: Sandwich with low-fat cheese.
- Dinner: Lazy cheese dumplings, a little sour cream.
- Breakfast: Cottage cheese with a spoon of honey or jam.
- Second breakfast: boiled egg white omelette.
- Lunch: mashed potato soup, baked beef with steamed vegetables, jelly.
- Afternoon snack: Dry fruit compote.
- Dinner: low-fat fish quenelles, rice.
- Breakfast: Semolina porridge, soft boiled egg
- Second breakfast: Curd.
- Lunch: fish soup with rice, stewed rabbit with potatoes, compote.
- Afternoon snack: Paneer Pulao.
- Dinner: Paneer sandwich, steamed protein omelette.
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge.
- Second breakfast: Baked apple.
- Lunch: Pumpkin cream soup, steamed beef cutlets, pasta.
- Afternoon snack: jelly, biscuits.
- Dinner: Paneer, boiled vegetables.
Diet for pancreas: recipes
Despite the limited range of products, the diet for pancreatitis can be quite diverse. We present some ideas for inspiration.

- rice in bags;
- Potato;
- Carrot;
- Pumpkin;
- Salt.
Preparation: Make the rice water - cook the rice in a saucepan with plenty of water, then take out the bag. Grate the carrots, chop the remaining vegetables, put everything in the pan with the rice water, thereAdd rice, cook till vegetables are ready. Add salt, mix, turn off. Grind everything in a blender if necessary.
Fish Quenelles
- Lean fish fillet;
- white crackers;
- Milk;
- egg white;
- Salt.
Preparation: Grind the fish in a meat grinder, soak the crackers in milk, also pass through a meat grinder, mix with the minced fish. Beat the egg whites until foamy, add to the mincemeat, add salt and mix. As a resultMake round quenelles from the minced meat. Then boil or steam them.
Pumpkin Puree Soup with Rolled Oats
- Pumpkin;
- Potato;
- Hercules;
- cream;
- A little oil for frying.
Preparation: Chop the pumpkin and potatoes, boil in a deep bowl with a little oil, making sure they do not burn. Add salt, add the rolled oats, add water, stir, let it cook on low flame until the rolled oats are ready. Pass the contents of the pan through a blender, pour it back into the pan, add the cream and let simmer for a few more minutes. Can be served with breadcrumbs.
According to reviews, the diet for pancreatitis is not very easy to follow, at least at the pure food stage, but with its help you can really achieve stable remission. Patients note that on such a diet they feel much better. Are.
Results of treatment of chronic pancreatitis with diet
In case of chronic pancreatitis, the diet is prescribed not for a week or a month, but for at least six months. It is often recommended to limit yourself to harmful foods for life, so that the situation does not become serious.
As with other treatment methods, the diet for pancreas has a beneficial effect on the organ and promotes its rapid recovery. The longer there will be no exacerbations, the more boldly you can expand your diet for pancreatitis, Which will include all the new products.
In some cases, due to timely treatment and diet the pancreas is completely restored, and then after the end of therapy you can return to your normal eating style. Nevertheless, even after complete recovery, unhealthyIt is better to give up habits and choose PP dishes.
The number of different diets cannot be counted. Some of them are prescribed for therapeutic purposes, and some are aimed at reducing body weight. Human nutrition, like any other organism, affects his health, Because the composition of food and the saturation of essential vitamins and microelements determine the possibility of having normal physiology. Any restriction in both composition and quantity inevitably affects our body. Each disease has its own mechanism of development andAccordingly, nutrition should also be different.
Diet for pancreatitis aims to reduce inflammation in the pancreas. The sooner you start following it, the better results you can expect. In the acute stage, fasting can be used, but usually itLasts no more than two to three days. After this, foods with maximum fat restriction are introduced very easily. Lean varieties of meat and poultry without skin (veal, lean beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey, etc. ) are suitable. For garnish you can use buckwheat, barley, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables. Fried, spicy, salty foods, baked goods, refractory fats (lamb, pork, goose, duck, fatty beef, poultry skin, margarine, mayonnaise) can contribute to a new excitement.
Using additional enzyme therapy will improve the condition. Preparations of minimicrospheres and microtablets are more effective. The usual dosage is about 25, 000 units. The regimen described above has the right to exist, but if its use is justified, and itsAdherence is carried out only for a short period of time. Stabilization of the condition with pancreatitis is an indication for a planned and gradual expansion of the diet.